Music Class
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Dance Competition
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Student Participating in Dance Competition
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Welcome to Jyotikunj Education Foundation (Pvt) Ltd. We hope it will assist you in understanding the nature, purpose and procedures of the school.

Jyotikunj is an English Boarding School located at the east of Rambazar, Pokhara. It is running under the joint leadership of Mr. Bal Krishna Sharma and Mr. Puran Konwar.

We are proud of the opportunities offered by JEF. We are also proud of the students, parents and staffs who make this a special place for learning. We hope your child will take advantage at these unique educational opportunities. We are happy to have your family join the School Family.


We at JEF believe in the equality of all our children, their self awareness, free will, creativity and potential. We seek to create community which fosters mutual understanding and respect, and encourage the full intellectual, creative, social and spiritual life as the basic framework of school life.

We recognize the importance of understanding and co-operation between individuals and groups. Whatever their religious, social and cultural backgrounds. We believe that education must encourage awareness of our changing world. We also feel that a curriculum must be designed to help students to develop the skills, knowledge and confidence in order to develop their ability to bear the responsibility of life.

As a boarding school we seek to provide in the residence and dormitories a system of care, support and discipline which, different from that which students enjoy with their families at home, incorporates as far as possible, the best elements of family……     

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Get In Touch With Us!

Jyoti Kunj Secondary English School


+ 977-61431305



Pokhara-15, Rambazar Kaski, Gandaki, Nepal

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